Ayanda Ntanzi


Ayanda Ntanzi

Ayanda Ntanzi

How old is Ayanda Ntazi?

Early Life

Ayanda Ntanzi
Born:January 31, 1992 (age 31 years old)
Place of Birth:Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal
Education:LLB degree
Alma mater:University of KwaZulu-Natal

Is Ayanda Ntanzi engaged?

Speaking to Daily Sun, Ayanda confirmed he was getting married and had the umembeso ceremony.

Does Ayanda Ntanzi have a child?

Ayanda Ntanzi’s love life

He is believed to have a son, whose mother’s name is not disclosed.

Ayanda Ntanzi

Ayanda Ntanzi
Ayanda Ntanzi

Ayanda Ntanzi